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CAP Incentive FAQs

General Questions

Where can I learn more about Community Air Protection (AB617)?

You can learn more about the AB617 process and Community Air Protection from the California Air Resources Board at

Where can I learn more about the South Sacramento/Florin Air Monitoring Community?

You can learn more about Sac Metro Air District and the efforts of the South Sacramento/Florin Air Monitoring Community at

How do I sign up for email notifications?

To sign up for the email list to get updates on the Community Air Protection Program, click here. To sign up for other news at the Sac Metro Air District, click here.

Project Type Questions

Do the incentives apply to displacing stationary natural gas/propane generators?

The California Air Resources Board added a general stationary source category in October 2020 where backup generators could potentially be considered a project type with community support.  The Sac Metro Air District currently does not have this project type available. 

Would the clean air grants cover alternative energy solutions like fuel cells for traffic signal equipment?

The California Air Resources Board added a general stationary source category in October 2020 where backup generators could potentially be considered a project type with community support.  The Sac Metro Air District currently does not have this project type available. 

When will funding be available for new projects?

Sign up for our Incentives email list here to get the latest updates on available funding opportunities.

Community Outreach Questions

What kind of community outreach is the Sac Metro Air District required to do?

Community outreach and documentation of project support are required for this program.  All air districts must provide reports of their outreach to the California Air Resources Board(CARB) twice a year.  The type of outreach and how to collect input have not been specifically determined by CARB and are up to the local air district. You can read more about this requirement in the Community Air Protection Incentive Guidelines.

The Sac Metro Air District has focused on outreach to the communities identified through the Community Air Protection (AB617) process and our South Sacramento/Florin Air Monitoring Community. 

In the Yolo-Solano Air District, we are attending events for the community in areas designated as a disadvantaged community and low-income area by CalEnviroScreen 3.0. Yolo Solano AQMD currently does not have any communities identified through the Community Air Protection process. 

To read more about our outreach efforts, check out our CAP Outreach summary

Have a question about our program?

Click here to submit your question!

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