10 K | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=259 | 10 K | <p>
A request to demolish three existing commercial structures and
to construct a 15-story mixed-use project including 187 multi-family residential units, 32
dormitory units, a 205-key hotel, a restaurant, and ground-floor retail within
the Central Business District Zone and Central City Special Planning
District. </p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/10%20K%20Comments.pdf">10 K Comments.pdf</a></p><p>9/27/2018</p> | | |
10351 Live Oak Avenue Truck Yard (Purewal) | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=663 | 10351 Live Oak Avenue Truck Yard (Purewal) | <div>Design review and a conditional use permit for the construction of a 10,235 square foot metal building</div><div>for servicing semi-trucks on 3 acres at 10351 Live Oak Avenue. Project reduced to 9,964 square foot metal building.</div> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/10351LiveOakAveTruckYardConditions.pdf">10351LiveOakAveTruckYardConditions.pdf</a><br></p><p>10/11/2022</p><p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/10351LiveOakAveTruckYardPurewal.pdf" target="_blank">10351LiveOakAveTruckYardPurewal.pdf</a> </p><p>6/27/2022</p> | | |
10U Mixed Use Development | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=205 | 10U Mixed Use Development | <p><span lang="X-NONE">The project proposes to construct a four-level, 19,120 sq.ft. mixed-use building at the corner of 10th and U streets. The site is within the South Side Historic District and zoned General Commercial (C-2-NC). </span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/10U_Mixed_Use_Development.pdf">10U_Mixed_Use_Development.pdf</a></p><p>4/18/2018</p> | | |
1116 18th Street Apartments | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=455 | 1116 18th Street Apartments | <p>A<span lang="EN"> request for Site Plan and Design Review to construct a 29,502-square-foot mixed-use building on a 0.14-acre parcel located within the General Commercial (C-2-SPD) zone and Central City Special Planning District. </span></p><p><span lang="EN">REVISED - <span lang="EN">Site Plan and Design Review to construct a seven-story, 34,768-square-foot mixed use building containing 24 market rate apartment units and 2,900 square feet of ground floor commercial space, located on a 0.14-acre parcel within the General Commercial zone and Central City Special Planning District.</span></span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/18thStreetApartmentsRevision.pdf">18thStreetApartmentsRevision.pdf</a></p><p>10/7/2021</p><p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1116-18thStreetApartments.pdf">1116-18thStreetApartments.pdf</a></p><p>1/22/2021</p> | | |
1130 K Street Addition | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=367 | 1130 K Street Addition | <p>The restoration and remodel of an existing 150,000 square foot, 4-story commercial building with a new 2-story 42,000 square foot roof addition.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1130KStreetAddition.pdf">1130KStreetAddition.pdf</a></p><p>4/3/2020</p> | | |
1143 Blumenfeld Cannabis Complex | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=681 | 1143 Blumenfeld Cannabis Complex | <p>A Conditional Use Permit to establish Cannabis Production (including cultivation, distribution, and manufacturing) in both existing and proposed buildings totaling approximately 49,000 square feet on approximately 2.56 acres in the Light Industrial Zone (M-1) and Site Plan and Design Review for two new commercial buildings totaling approximately 18,000 square feet and for the associated site development.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1143BlumenfeldCannabisISMND.pdf">1143BlumenfeldCannabisISMND.pdf</a></p><p>8/12/2022</p> | | |
1212 Village | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=430 | 1212 Village | <p>A<span lang="EN"> request to construct a 4-story, 75-unit mixed-use multi-family affordable housing development in the General Commercial (C-2-TO-SPD) zone within the Del Paso Boulevard/Arden Way Special Planning District.</span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1212Village.pdf">1212Village.pdf</a></p><p>10/30/2020</p> | | |
1215 O Street Office Building Replacement | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=152 | 1215 O Street Office Building Replacement | <p>The demolition of a vacant four-story State-owned office building and construction of a new office building at the same location.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/SMAQMD%20comments%201215%20O%20St%20NOP.pdf">SMAQMD comments 1215 O St NOP.pdf</a></p><p>1/31/2017</p><p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/SMAQMD%20fee%20letter%20DGS%209th%20st%20office%20building.pdf">SMAQMD fee letter DGS 9th st office building.pdf</a></p><p>2/23/2017</p> | | |
1220 H Street Apartments | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=317 | 1220 H Street Apartments | <p>A proposal to construct a 5-story mixed use building on 0.28 acres within the General Commercial Zone and Central City Special Planning District.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1220HStreetRevised.pdf">1220HStreetRevised.pdf</a></p><p>8/19/2019</p> | | |
12E Townhomes | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=323 | 12E Townhomes | <p>A tentative subdivision map and site plan, dividing 0.44 acres into 21 lots for residential units, in the general commerical zone of the Central City Special Planning District.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/12ETownhomes.pdf">12ETownhomes.pdf</a></p><p>9/4/2019</p> | | |
12th & 33rd Street Mixed Use | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=294 | 12th & 33rd Street Mixed Use | <p>A request to construct a 3-story mixed use development with 5 apartments and 2 ground floor commercial units on 0.17 acres in the C-1 zoning district.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/12thand33rdStreetMixedUse.pdf" target="_blank">12thand33rdStreetMixedUse.pdf</a></p><p>5/7/2019</p> | | |
1401 H Street Mixed Use | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=387 | 1401 H Street Mixed Use | <p>A request for a five-story, 52,029-square-feet, mixed-use, multifamily/short-term rental development on a vacant 0.29-acre site in the General Commercial (C-2-SPD) zone and Central City Special Planning District (SPD), including 60 dwelling units and 1,700 square feet of retail.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1401HStreetMixedUse.pdf">1401HStreetMixedUse.pdf</a></p><p>7/2/2020</p> | | |
1510 T Street Garage and 2nd Dwelling Unit | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=255 | 1510 T Street Garage and 2nd Dwelling Unit | <p>Demolish an existing garage at 1510 T Street and construct a new garage with a dwelling unit on the second floor.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1510TStreet2ndDwelling.pdf">1510TStreet2ndDwelling.pdf</a></p><p>8/15/2018</p> | | |
1530 Howe Avenue Apartments | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=796 | 1530 Howe Avenue Apartments | <p><span style="color:#444444;font-size:15px;">The </span><span style="color:#444444;font-size:1em;">Project would redevelop an existing motel into 176 Multifamily dwelling units on 4.5 acres, zoned LC, in </span><span style="font-size:15px;color:#444444;">the Arden-Arcade community.</span></p> | <p><span style="font-size:15px;"><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1530%20Howe%20Ave%20Apartments_%20SMAQMD.pdf" target="_blank">Howe Ave Apartments</a></span></p><p>3/19/2024<br></p> | | |
16 Powerhouse Addition | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=327 | 16 Powerhouse Addition | <p>A
request to construct a 5-story addition (including enclosed ground-level
parking, clubhouse, fitness center, and 23 living units) to the east side of
the 16 Powerhouse building on a 0.59-acre site within the High-Rise
Residential (R-5-SPD) zone and Central City Special Planning District. </p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/16PowerhouseAddition.pdf">16PowerhouseAddition.pdf</a></p><p>10/2/2019</p> | | |
1617 J Street Mixed Use | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=415 | 1617 J Street Mixed Use | <p>A proposal to construct a 5-story, 73,332 square feet mixed use building in the general commercial zone in the Central City Special Planning District. The project includes 74 dwelling units and 3,700 square feet of retail space on 0.5 acres.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1617JStreetMixedUse.pdf">1617JStreetMixedUse.pdf</a></p><p>9/15/2020</p> | | |
1620 El Monte Avenue | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=651 | 1620 El Monte Avenue | <p>A request to construct a 2,400 square foot residential building consisting of 4 units on a vacant .11 acre lot in the Office Building Zone and Del Paso/ Arden Way Special Planning District.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1620ElMonteAvenue.pdf">1620ElMonteAvenue.pdf</a></p><p>5/13/2022</p> | | |
1630 Kathleen Ave | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=231 | 1630 Kathleen Ave | <p>The proposed project is a request to establish cannabis cultivation and a non-storefront cannabis delivery dispensary within two existing buildings totaling approximately 10,630 square-feet located on a 0.46-acre parcel in the Light Industrial (M-1) zone. </p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1630_Kathleen_Ave.pdf" target="_blank">1630_Kathleen_Ave.pdf</a></p><p>7/3/2018</p> | | |
16R Housing | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=426 | 16R Housing | <p>A<span lang="EN"> request for a Rezone from Office Business (OB-SPD) to General Commercial (C-2), and Site Plan and Design Review to construct a 116,779-square-foot mixed-use development consisting of 4,200 square feet of ground floor retail and 110 apartment units located on a 0.89 acre parcel.</span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/16RHousing.pdf">16RHousing.pdf</a></p><p>10/22/2020</p> | | |
16th Street Hotel Conversion | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=568 | 16th Street Hotel Conversion | <p><span lang="EN">This project consists of Site Plan and Design Review to convert an existing 41,400 square foot hotel at <span lang="EN">728 16th Street <span lang="EN">into a multi-unit residential dwelling in the General Commercial Zone and within the Central City Special Planning District. </span></span></span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/16thStreetHotelConversion.pdf">16thStreetHotelConversion.pdf</a></p><p>10/22/2021</p> | | |
16th and J Street Apartments | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=433 | 16th and J Street Apartments | <p>A<span lang="EN"> request to construct a 5-story, 68,918-square-foot, mixed use apartment building with 73 dwelling units and 3,120 square feet of retail on a 0.42-acre vacant parcel in the General Commercial (C-2-SPD) zone and within the Central City Special Planning District. The project requires staff-level Site Plan and Design Review.</span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/16thandJStreetApartments.pdf">16thandJStreetApartments.pdf</a></p><p>11/06/2020</p> | | |
16th and J Street Mixed Use | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=584 | 16th and J Street Mixed Use | <p>A<span lang="EN"> request for Site Plan and Design Review of a 7-story plus basement mixed-use building, located on a 1/2-block site within the Central Core Design Review District. The project consists of 39,904 square feet of retail, 200 residential apartments, and associated parking. </span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/16thandJMixedUse.pdf">16thandJMixedUse.pdf</a></p><p>11/24/2021</p> | | |
17 I Mixed Use | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=384 | 17 I Mixed Use | <p>A proposal to construct a 8-story, 181,215 square feet mixed use development on 0.58 acres in the general commercial zone in the Central City Special Planning District.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/17IMixedUse.pdf">17IMixedUse.pdf</a></p><p>6/4/2020</p> | | |
1760 Challenge Way Cannabis Dispensary | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=420 | 1760 Challenge Way Cannabis Dispensary | <span lang="EN"><p align="LEFT" dir="LTR">A request to amend the Point West Planned Unit Development (PUD) to allow for a Cannabis Dispensary in the PUD; a Conditional Use Permit to establish a new Storefront Cannabis Dispensary in an existing 7,821 square foot building on approximately 0.76 acre; and Site Plan and Design Review for exterior building and site renovations.</p></span> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1760ChallengeWayCannabisDispensary.pdf">1760ChallengeWayCannabisDispensary.pdf</a></p><p>10/9/2020</p> | | |
17th and S Street Mixed Use | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=516 | 17th and S Street Mixed Use | <p>A<span lang="EN"> r<span lang="X-NONE">equest to demolish the existing structures and construct a four-story mixed-use building </span><span lang="EN">at 1629 S Street.</span></span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/17thandSStreetMixedUse.pdf">17thandSStreetMixedUse.pdf</a></p><p>6/3/2021</p> | | |
1801 J Street Remodel+Addition | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=206 | 1801 J Street Remodel+Addition | <p><span lang="X-NONE">The project is a request for a remodel and addition to an existing 5,692 square foot commercial office building in the General Commercial/ Urban Neighborhood (C-2-UN) Zone. In addition, the proposal involves demolition of a CMU building in the parking lot, exterior façade renovation, and upgrading the parking lot. </span></p> | <p><span lang="X-NONE"><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1801_J_Street_Remodel+Addition.pdf">1801_J_Street_Remodel+Addition.pdf</a></span></p><p><span lang="X-NONE">4/18/2018</span></p> | | |
181 Lathrop Way | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=242 | 181 Lathrop Way | <span lang="EN"><p align="LEFT" dir="LTR">In 2021, a new request for <span lang="X-NONE">Site Plan and Design Review to construct a 27,000 sq foot warehouse on a 2.7-acre vacant parcel in the M-1-PC Zone and Parkway Corridor Overlay Zone. </span></p></span><p>The 2018 proposal included a 50,125 square feet warehouse on 2.7 acres in the North Sacramento Design Review District.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/181LathropWayWarehouseV2.pdf">181LathropWayWarehouseV2.pdf</a></p><p>3/19/2021 </p><p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/181LathropWayWarehouse.pdf" target="_blank">181LathropWayWarehouse.pdf</a></p><p>8/22/2018</p> | | |
1818 X Street Apartments | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=177 | 1818 X Street Apartments | <p>A<span style="font-family:"calibri",sans-serif;font-size:11pt;"><font color="#000000"> request to
construct a mixed-use development on a ±0.45-acre parcel in the Residential
Office (RO) Zone.</font></span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1818_X_Street_Apartments.pdf">1818_X_Street_Apartments.pdf</a></p><p>12/4/2017</p> | | |
1844 Reynolds Way Cannabis Cultivation | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=618 | 1844 Reynolds Way Cannabis Cultivation | <p>A<font face="Calibri,Calibri" size="3"><font face="Calibri,Calibri" size="3"> Conditional Use Permit to establish cannabis production (cultivation) within a proposed building, on approximately 0.51 acres, in the Light Industrial Zone (M-1S-R). The application includes a Site Plan and Design Review to construct an 8,400-square-foot two-story building and associated site development of a vacant lot.</font></font><font color="#201f1e" face="Calibri,Calibri" size="3"><font color="#201f1e" face="Calibri,Calibri" size="3"><font color="#201f1e" face="Calibri,Calibri" size="3"> </font></font></font></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/EmailComments1844ReynoldsWayCannabisCultivation.pdf" target="_blank">EmailComments1844ReynoldsWayCannabisCultivation.pdf</a></p><p>2/21/2022</p> | | |
1908 O Street Apartments | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=392 | 1908 O Street Apartments | <p>A 27 unit, 5-story, multi-family housing development in the general commercial zone of the Central City Special Planning District.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1908OStreetApartments.pdf">1908OStreetApartments.pdf</a></p><p>7/9/2020</p> | | |
1931 55th Street Duplex | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=450 | 1931 55th Street Duplex | <p>A<span lang="EN"> request to construct a new duplex dwelling in place of an existing single-unit dwelling on approximately 0.12 acres in the Single-Unit Dwelling Zone (R-1).</span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/1931-55thStreetDuplex.pdf">1931-55thStreetDuplex.pdf</a></p><p>1/12/2021</p> | | |
19J | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=106 | 19J | <p>A<span style="font-family:"calibri","sans-serif";font-size:11pt;"><font color="#000000"> project to
construct an 11-story mixed-use building with 173 units and approximately 7,000
square feet of ground floor retail space at 1827-1831 J Street.</font></span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/19JComments.pdf" target="_blank">19JComments.pdf</a></p><p>8/4/2016</p> | | |
2016 American River Watershed Common Features General Reevaluation Report, Final EIS/EIR | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=782 | 2016 American River Watershed Common Features General Reevaluation Report, Final EIS/EIR | <p><span style="color:#444444;font-size:1em;">T</span><span style="color:#444444;font-size:1em;">his Draft SEIS/SEIR supplements the 2016 ARCF GRR </span><span style="color:#444444;font-size:1em;">EIS/EIR, which authorized the overall ARCF Project, to address seepage, slope stability, erosion, and </span><span style="color:#444444;font-size:1em;">height concerns on the levees along the Sacramento and American Rivers for the purposes of flood </span><span style="color:#444444;font-size:1em;">risk management for the Sacramento Metropolitan area. </span></p> | <p><a href="http://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Documents/CorpsComments02_21_24SEISandSEIR020724.pdf" target="_blank">SEIS and SEIR</a><br></p><p>2/21/2024<br></p> | | |
2016 RTP Guidelines | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=103 | 2016 RTP Guidelines | <p>The
California Transportation Commission's 2016 update of the Regional Transportation
Plan (RTP) Guidelines</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/SMAQMD_RTPCTP.pdf" target="_blank">SMAQMD_RTPCTP.pdf</a></p><p>7/22/2016</p> | | |
20th Place | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=507 | 20th Place | <p>A<span lang="EN"> request for Site Plan and Design Review to demolish an existing 2,550 square-foot office building, and construct a 50-unit, 5-story apartment building at the corner of 20th and F Streets within the Central City Special Planning District, and conversion of an existing 10,993 square-foot warehouse at the corner of E and 20th Streets into a split-level building with bike parking, car parking (31 stalls), and tenant storage amenities. </span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/20thPlace.pdf">20thPlace.pdf</a></p><p>5/24/2021</p> | | |
2213 U Street Garage and 2nd Dwelling Unit Remodel | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=254 | 2213 U Street Garage and 2nd Dwelling Unit Remodel | <p>Demolish an existing garage at 2213 U Street and construct a new 972 square feet garage with a 733 square feet second dwelling unit on the second floor.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/2213UStreetGarage2ndDwelling.pdf">2213UStreetGarage2ndDwelling.pdf</a></p><p>8/15/2018</p> | | |
2222 Watt Avenue Starbucks | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=725 | 2222 Watt Avenue Starbucks | <p><span style="font-size:11pt;font-family:calibri, sans-serif;">A Use Permit to the Zoning Administrator, Special
Development Permit, and Major Discretionary Design Review for a new
drive-through Starbucks</span></p> | <p><a href="http://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Documents/Sac%20Metro%20Air%20District%20comments_2222%20Watt%20Avenue%20Starbucks_combo.pdf">WattAveStarbucks.pdf</a></p><p>5/12/2023<a href="http://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Documents/Sac%20Metro%20Air%20District%20comments_2222%20Watt%20Avenue%20Starbucks_combo.pdf"></a><br></p> | | |
24R Theater | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=624 | 24R Theater | <span lang="EN">A request for Site Plan and Design Review to demolish an existing 25,371 square foot industrial warehouse and construct a new 42,700 square foot theater building at a 0.59-acre site located in the General Commercial Zone and Central City R Street Corridor Special Planning District. </span> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/24RTheater.pdf">24RTheater.pdf</a></p><p>3/2/2022</p> | | |
2711 V Street Multi-Family Conversion | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=552 | 2711 V Street Multi-Family Conversion | <p>A<span lang="EN"> request for Site Plan and Design Review to convert an existing single-family residence to a four-plex in the R-3A-SPD zone.</span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/VStreetMultifamilyConversion.pdf">VStreetMultifamilyConversion.pdf</a></p><p>9/15/2021</p> | | |
2830 Del Paso Road | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=813 | 2830 Del Paso Road | <p><span style="font-size:11pt;font-family:calibri, sans-serif;">A request to construct a mixed-use development with
192,400 square feet (sf) of residential and commercial development (93,200 sf
commercial; 99,200 sf residential) including 103 multi-unit dwellings on an
18.5-acre parcel at the southwest corner of the intersection of Del Paso Road
and Truxel Road</span><br><br></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/P24_008%202830%20Del%20Paso%20Road%20SMAQMD.pdf">P24_008 2830 Del Paso Road SMAQMD.pdf</a><br><br></p><p>5/6/2024<br></p> | | |
2862 and 2856 Arden Way Multi-Family Development Project | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=831 | 2862 and 2856 Arden Way Multi-Family Development Project | <p>The Project includes two associated projects on adjacent lots that would construct a new 4-story, 43-unit, multi-family development located at 2862 Arden Way and a new 4-story, 32-unit, multi-family development located at 2856 Arden Way; they are both zoned LC, and located in the Arden-Arcade community.<br></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/2856%20and%202862%20Multi%20Family%20Arden%20Way_%20SMAQMD.pdf">2856 and 2862 Multi Family Arden Way_ SMAQMD.pdf</a><br><br></p> | | |
29th Avenue Residences | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=809 | 29th Avenue Residences | <p>A request to
construct two single unit dwellings and three accessory dwelling units (ADUs)
on two parcels totaling approximately .64 acre, and convert an existing
residential structure into an ADU, within a mile walk of Sacramento Regional
Transit’s Fruitridge light rail station and a half mile walk of bus transit
lines. <br></p> | <p><a href="file:///C:/Users/mollyw/OneDrive%20-%20SMAQMD/1%20City%20of%20Sacramento/29th%20Avenue%20Residences/29th%20Avenue%20Residences%20SMAQMD.pdf">29th Avenue Residences SMAQMD.pdf</a></p><p>4/25/2024<br><br></p> | | |
29th Avenue Residences | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=845 | 29th Avenue Residences | <p><span style="font-size:11pt;font-family:calibri, sans-serif;">Request to construct two single unit dwellings and three accessory dwelling units (ADUs)
on two parcels totaling approximately .64 acre, and convert an existing
residential structure into an ADU, within a mile walk of Sacramento Regional
Transit’s Fruitridge light rail station and a half mile walk of bus transit
lines</span><br></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/29th%20Avenue%20Residences%20SMAQMD.pdf">29th Avenue Residences SMAQMD.pdf</a></p><p>4/25/2024<br><br></p> | | |
3002 O Street Conversion to Multi-Family | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=370 | 3002 O Street Conversion to Multi-Family | <p>A proposal<span style="font:inherit;text-align:left;color:inherit;text-transform:none;text-indent:0px;letter-spacing:normal;text-decoration:none;word-spacing:0px;float:none;display:inline !important;white-space:normal;orphans:2;font-size-adjust:none;font-stretch:inherit;background-color:#ffffff;"> to develop a six-unit apartment from the existing
two-story structure located in the C-2-SPD zone in the Alhambra Corridor.</span></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/3002OStreetConversionMultiFamily.pdf">3002OStreetConversionMultiFamily.pdf</a></p><p>4/21/2020</p> | | |
318 U Street Townhomes | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=232 | 318 U Street Townhomes | <p>The project is a Tentative Subdivision Map to subdivide a 0.22-acre parcel into 6 parcels, and Site Plan and Design Review to construct 6 single family dwelling units and associated site improvements within the R-3-A zone and South Side Historic District. </p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/318_U_Street_Townhomes.pdf" target="_blank">318_U_Street_Townhomes.pdf</a></p><p>7/10/2018</p> | | |
3200 Rio Linda Boulevard Gas Station Project | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=753 | 3200 Rio Linda Boulevard Gas Station Project | <p>This project is a request to rebuild a former gas station, including the retail building, gas station canopy and associated site improvements. The proposed retail building covers approximately 2,000 square feet. The gas canopy is approximately 1,000 sf and includes 4 gas pumps.<br></p> | <p><a href="http://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Documents/SCH2023080755%203200%20Rio%20Linda%20Boulevard%20Gas%20Station%20SMAQMD.pdf">3200_Rio_Linda.pdf</a></p><p>10/2/2023<a href="http://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Documents/SCH2023080755%203200%20Rio%20Linda%20Boulevard%20Gas%20Station%20SMAQMD.pdf"></a></p> | | |
3200 Stockton Boulevard Housing | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=816 | 3200 Stockton Boulevard Housing | <p>A <span style="font-size:11pt;font-family:aptos, sans-serif;">request to construct a mixed-use project with
107 dwelling units and approximately 4,000 square-feet of retail/commercial
space on 0.77-acres located in the Stockton Boulevard Plan area</span>.<br></p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/DR24_093%203200%20Stockton%20Boulevard%20Housing%20SMAQMD.pdf">DR24_093 3200 Stockton Boulevard Housing SMAQMD.pdf</a><br><br></p><p>5/24/2024<br><br></p> | | |
3341 Stockton Boulevard New Mixed Use | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=243 | 3341 Stockton Boulevard New Mixed Use | <p>Demolition of the existing buildings and construction of a 3,120 square feet mixed use building on .23 acres in the Broadway/Stockton Special Planning District.</p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/3341StocktonBlvdResubmittal.pdf">3341StocktonBlvdResubmittal.pdf</a></p><p>8/13/2018</p> | | |
341 Stockton Blvd New Retail | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=162 | 341 Stockton Blvd New Retail | <p>Demolish an existing
commercial structure and to construct an approximately 3,500 square-foot retail
building on approximately 0.23 acres in the General Commercial Special Planning
District (C-2-SPD) zone within the Broadway/Stockton SPD. </p> | <p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/3341%20Stockton%20New%20Retail.pdf">3341 Stockton New Retail.pdf</a></p><p>7/31/2017</p> | | |
3500 Broadway Mixed Use | | https://www.airquality.org/LandUseTransportation/Lists/CommentLetters/DispForm.aspx?ID=854 | 3500 Broadway Mixed Use | <p>A <span style="font-size:11pt;font-family:aptos, sans-serif;">request to construct a mixed-use structure
with 24 residential dwelling units on a 0.28-acre site within the
Broadway/Stockton Special Planning District</span><br></p> | <p>November 18, 2024<br></p><p><a href="/LandUseTransportation/Documents/PB24-015%203500%20Broadway%20Mixed%20Use%20SMAQMD.pdf">PB24-015 3500 Broadway Mixed Use SMAQMD.pdf</a><br><br></p> | | |