Steps to Apply for a Voucher
1. Obtain an application from the Sac Metro Air District by one of the following methods:
If you are a property owner renting to a low income tenant, submit the Income Verification Form for the tenant and complete this form: Rental Property Owner .
The Sac Metro Air District must verify the residence address before a voucher is issued. Submit a copy of a SMUD or PG&E bill as acceptable proof of residency with your voucher application.
The Sac Metro Air District will verify your eligibility and issue a voucher if you qualify. The voucher will expire four weeks from the date of issuance if not used. Please visit one of the participating retailers at least one week prior to the expiration date of your voucher.
2. Select a wood burning appliance from a participating retailer and make a commitment to purchase it. The retailer verifies that the existing unit qualifies for replacement/retrofit.
3. Make your purchase during the program timeline. Purchases made outside the timeline will not qualify for the incentive.
4. After verification, retailer reduces the purchase price by the amount of the voucher and notifies the Sac Metro Air District with information about the purchaser. This must occur within four weeks after voucher issuance.
5. After retailer installation, retailer notifies the Sac Metro Air District and submits appropriate documentation for reimbursement.