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Roadway Protocol


On January 25, 2018, the Mobile Sources Air Toxics Protocol replaced this Roadway Protocol.  The Sac Metro Air District is continuing to provide access to the Roadway Protocol for historical reference.


Visit the Mobile Sources Air Toxics Protocol website for the most current Sac Metro Air District guidance.


The Recommended Protocol for Evaluating the Location of Sensitive Land Uses Adjacent to Major Roadways (Roadway Protocol) provides guidance to jurisdiction planners on assessing and disclosing potential cancer risk of sensitive receptors exposed to diesel particulate matter from major roadways.

The Sac Metro Air District Board approved the Roadway Protocol on October 23, 2008.

The current Roadway Protocol reflects year 2011 emissions and traffic data from EMFAC2007.

​Downloadable Documents



Recommended Protocol for Evaluating the Location of Sensitive Land Uses Adjacent to Major Roadways 2011 Recommended Roadway Protocol.pdfRecommended Protocol for Evaluating the Location of Sensitive Land Uses Adjacent to Major RoadwaysVersion 2.4, January 2011
Roadway Protocol Technical Appendix Protocol Appendix 2.1 Jan 2009.pdfRoadway Protocol Technical AppendixVersion 2.1, January 2009
Roadways >100,000 ADT in Sacramento County >100,000 ADT in Sacramento County

Roadside Vegetative Barriers

​The Sac Metro Air District in cooperation with the Sacramento Tree Foundation developed the Landscaping Guidance for Improving Air Quality near Roadways  (Version 2.1; Febuary 2024) to provide local guidance and best practices for implementing EPA's Recommendations for Constructing Roadside Vegetation Barriers to Improve Near-Road Air Quality (July 2016).

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