The Recommended Guidance for Land Use Emission Reductions (Guidance) provides a description of the most current feasible mitigation measures and corresponding emission reduction potential. Project proponents should use the Guidance along with the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod) to create AQMPs and GHGRPs.
In general, the Guidance in effect at the time the Notice of Preparation was issued for a project should be used. All versions of the Guidance are included in the table below.
Starting February 10, 2021, Sac Metro Air District staff recommend using Version 4.3 of the Guidance.
When proponents use Guidance earlier than version 3.0, the associated Guidance for GHG Reduction document may also be used.
In some circumstances, additional mitigation measures may be necessary and can be developed using the California Air Pollution Control Officers Association's Quantifying Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Measures, A Resource for Local Government to Assess Emission Reductions from Greenhouse Gas Mitigation.
Sac Metro Air District staff is committed to working with project proponents and lead agencies to develop AQMPs and GHGRPs. Lead agencies typically require plans to be reviewed and adequacy confirmed by the Sac Metro Air District prior to project approval. To facilitate this, project proponents should submit draft plans for review early in the development process.
Streamlining the AQMP and GHGRP Review Process
The Sac Metro Air District provides a AQMP/GHGRP form (June 2020) to
simplify the creation and review of operational AQMPs and GHGRPs. The form will reduce lead agency review time by ensuring all the necessary information is provided.
A proponent may submit the AQMP/GHGRP form in lieu of or to summarize a project's AQMP or GHGRP. The AQMP/GHGRP form requires the input of information on topics such as: existing land use
designations, public facilities and urban services financing plans, vehicle miles traveled (VMT)
assumptions, energy standards assumptions, and mitigation measure enforcement