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Asbestos in Building Materials

  • ​​Phone asbestos consultation will be available Monday through Fri​day, 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Call 279-207-1122 (choose option 6 for the asbestos unit).

  • Submit asbestos surveys and fees via the Online Services​ Portal at​

  • Review and response will occur within 2 business days of submittal.

Why is Asbestos Regulated?

​In order to prevent the release of asbestos emissions and reduce illnesses relating to construction activity, the EPA delegated authority to the Sac Metro Air District to enforce the federal National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) through local district Rule 902 Asbestos

The Sac Metro Air District works with local planning agencies and building departments to identify construction projects subject to Rule 902.  Those projects include (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Renovations in regulated facilities where greater than 160 square feet, 260 linear feet, or 35 cubic feet of suspect asbestos containing materials are disturbed
  • Demolition of public, commercial or industrial facilities such as gas stations, hospitals, schools, apartments, condominiums, office buildings and in some cases single family residences including those at mobile home parks

  • Demolition of bridges, cell towers, rail cars, canopies and swimming pools

  • Fire training burns

  • Demolition of  Residential complexes with 5 or more units

​Asbestos Surveys & Building Permits

Obtain an Asbestos Survey

An asbestos survey conducted by a Certified Asbestos Consultant will identify all of the asbestos present in your construction project. 

To find a comprehensive list of Certified Asbestos Consultants in Sacramento County, please visit the State of California Department of Industrial Relations webpage at:

Submit the Completed Asbestos Survey to the Sac Metro Air Quality

Obtain and attach the completed Asbestos Survey, associated documents and pay any applicable fees​ via the Online Services​ Portal at There is a 2-day review period for Renovation Applications and a 10-day review period for Demolition and Asbestos Abatement Applications.   

Submit your approval Survey to the Building Department to Clear a Hold

​You will be notified through the Online Services Portal when your project is approved. Provide a copy of the approval notice to the Building Department.  

There is currently no fee to review an application where no asbestos is being impacted and no demolition is being completed for your project. If the asbestos survey determines regulated asbestos containing materials (RACM) are present in your facility and they are part of your renovation or demolition project, additional forms, fees and notification time periods may be required.

Demolition & Asbestos Abatement Application

For jurisdictional Demolition Projects of any size, please follow the same procedure above for submitting an Asbestos Survey via the Online Services​ Portal at

For jurisdictional Asbestos Abatement Projects involving remo​val of ​ >160 square, 260 linear or 35 cubic feet of Regulated Asbestos Containing materials, please follow the same procedure above for submitting an Asbestos Survey via the Online Services​ Portal at

There is a 10 business day notification period for demolition projects and asbestos abatement projects. 

A minimum fee of $435 for demolition and asbestos abatement application is required.  Pay fees via the Online Services​ Portal at via credit card or in person by check or credit card.  See complete fee schedule below.

Applications, or revisions to existing applications, can be submitted to Sac Metro Air Quality for review by visiting in person, mail or via the Online Services​ Portal at 

Within two business days of submitting the Demolition or Asbestos Abatement notification, Sac Metro Air Quality will either approve or return the application for corrections via the Online Services​ Portal​. 

​Important Documents & Links



CARB EPA Advisory EPA AdvisoryCalifornia Air Resources Board/EPA advisory on fire department training burn requirementsLinks
Asbestos NESHAP 40 CFR Ch 61.pdfAsbestos NESHAPThis is Federal EPA's regulation for AsbestosLinks
Managing Asbestos Waste asbestos waste.pdfManaging Asbestos WasteThis is a DTSC Guidance Document Links



Asbestos Survey Instructions and Guidance Survey Instructions and Guidance.pdfAsbestos Survey Instructions and GuidanceInstructions for Conducting an Asbestos Survey in Sacramento CountyForms



Fire Burn Memo Burn MemoAQMD memo on fire department training burn requirementsAdvisories

Plan Fees

(Rule 304 Plan Fees)


​ ​Units of Asbestos to be Removed/Disturbed
Linear Feet​Square Feet​Cubic Feet​Fee
​10,000 or more​10,000 or more​2,189 or more​$2,335
* This category applies to demolition projects only.

** If materials are in more than one category, the higher fee will apply.


​Frequently Asked Questions



A. Why are asbestos surveys required by law?A. Why are asbestos surveys required by law?<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>The Clean Air Act (CAA) requires the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to develop and enforce regulations to protect the general public from exposure to airborne contaminants that are known to be hazardous to human health. In accordance with Section 112 of the CAA, EPA established National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAPS) to protect the public. Asbestos was one of the first hazardous air pollutants regulated under Section 112. On March 31, 1971, EPA identified asbestos as a hazardous pollutant, and on April 6, 1973, EPA first promulgated the Asbestos NESHAPS in 40 CFR Part 61. The Sacramento AQMD administers an asbestos removal program under Rule 902, Asbestos.</p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
B. In what instances is an asbestos inspection/survey required? B. In what instances is an asbestos inspection/survey required? <font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>SacMetro AQMD Asbestos Rule 902 requires a thorough inspection for the presence of asbestos prior to the start of all renovations and/or demolitions of any “facility”.  As defined in the regulation, a "facility" is any institutional, commercial, public, industrial or residential structure, installation or building (including any structure, installation or building containing condominiums, or individual dwelling units, operated as a residential cooperative, but excluding residential buildings having four or fewer dwelling units); any ship; or any active or inactive waste disposal site. Any building, structure or installation that contains a loft used as a dwelling is not considered residential. Any structure, installation, or building that was previously subject to the Rule 902 is not excluded, regardless of its current use or function. </p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
C. Who is responsible for submitting an application -- the owner of the building, which is being demolished or renovated, or the contractor?C. Who is responsible for submitting an application -- the owner of the building, which is being demolished or renovated, or the contractor?<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">​​ </font><p>Sac Metro Air Quality Asbestos Rule 902 states that either the owner of the building or operator of the demolition or renovation operation can submit the application. Usually, the two parties decide together who will apply. If no adequate notice is provided, one or both parties can be held liable. </p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
D. How big does my project have to be in order to be subject to Asbestos Rule 902?D. How big does my project have to be in order to be subject to Asbestos Rule 902?<p> Asbestos Rule 902 must be followed for all renovations of facilities with at least 160 square or 260 linear feet of suspect asbestos containing materials. These amounts are known as the "threshold" amounts.  </p><p>Demolitions of any size are jurisdictional requiring notification to the Sacramento AQMD prior to commencement of the project.</p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
E. Will Sac Metro Air Quality test my building for asbestos for me? E. Will Sac Metro Air Quality test my building for asbestos for me? <font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">​ </font><p>No. Owners and operators are responsible for arranging testing by a Certified Asbestos Consultant prior to commencement of construction.</p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
F. Am I required to submit an application for a renovation/demolition project when no asbestos is present?F. Am I required to submit an application for a renovation/demolition project when no asbestos is present?<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">​​ </font><p>Yes.  All renovations with jurisdictional amounts of "suspect" asbestos containing building materials and demolitions of any size require application to be submitted to the Sac Metro Air Quality prior to project commencement.</p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
G. Do I need to get an asbestos survey before the Building Department will issue my permit?G. Do I need to get an asbestos survey before the Building Department will issue my permit?<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>Yes.  In most cases, the Building department will inform you of Sac Metro Air District Asbestos Survey requirements. Please be advised it is ultimately your responsibility to understand if your project needs an Asbestos Survey and arrange for it to be conducted. Survey requirement information can be found on this webpage <a href="/StationarySources/Pages/Asbestos-in-Building-Materials.aspx">Asbestos in Building Materials</a>​ (<a href="/" target="_blank"></a>).</p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
H. Are recently constructed facilities subject to the asbestos regulations? H. Are recently constructed facilities subject to the asbestos regulations? <font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>Yes. There is no exclusion date in the asbestos regulations for new facilities.</p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
I. Are single-family private residences regulated by the Asbestos Rule 902?I. Are single-family private residences regulated by the Asbestos Rule 902?<p> Under most circumstances, no. Please call the SacMetro AQMD Asbestos Staff if you want a jurisdictional determination for your project. </p>
J. Are single-family private residences that are demolished or renovated to build non-residential structures regulated by the Asbestos Rule 902?J. Are single-family private residences that are demolished or renovated to build non-residential structures regulated by the Asbestos Rule 902?<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>Yes. For example, the Asbestos Rule 902 regulates multiple residential structures that are demolished as part of an urban renewal project, a highway construction project, or a project to develop a shopping mall. A single home which is converted into a non-residential structure is also regulated by the Asbestos Rule 902. For example, if someone buys a house and converts it into a grocery store, the renovation is subject to the Asbestos Rule 902. </p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
K. What is a renovation? K. What is a renovation? <font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>A renovation is altering a facility or one or more facility components in any way, including the stripping or removal of Regulated Asbestos Containing Materials (RACM) from a facility component. It includes (but is not limited to) any interior or exterior remodel project disturbing and or removing RACM but does not affect load-supporting structural members.</p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
L. What is a demolition?L. What is a demolition?<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>A demolition means the relocating, wrecking or taking out of any load-supporting structural member of a facility together with any related handling operations or the intentional burning (i.e. training burns) of any facility.  Moving portable buildings is considered a demolition by the EPA. </p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
M. Does the SacMetro AQMD provide consultation for renovation/demolition projects?M. Does the SacMetro AQMD provide consultation for renovation/demolition projects?<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"></font>Yes. Consulting hours are Monday – Thursday, 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM.
N. Is there an "official" renovation/demolition application form?N. Is there an "official" renovation/demolition application form?<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3">​​ </font><p>Yes. You may apply via the Online Service Portal at<br></p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
O. Can I pay demolition or asbestos abatement fees online?O. Can I pay demolition or asbestos abatement fees online?<p>​<br></p><p>Pay Demolition and Abatement fees via the Online Service Portal at via credit card/echeck or in person by check or credit card.<br></p>
P. Is there a fee for notifying renovations with no asbestos being disturbed on the project?P. Is there a fee for notifying renovations with no asbestos being disturbed on the project?<p>​No.</p>
Q. What are the fees for demolitions and asbestos abatement projects?Q. What are the fees for demolitions and asbestos abatement projects?<font size="3" face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"> </font><p>Standard fee for single demolition projects and small asbestos abatement projects <500 square feet is $435.00.  Please call SacMetro AQMD at 279-207-1122 for the fee schedule for larger abatement projects or visit <a href="/" target="_blank"></a>.</p><font size="3" face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"> </font>
R. What is the notification time period for renovations with no asbestos impacted?R. What is the notification time period for renovations with no asbestos impacted?<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>Most renovation notifications with no asbestos impacted are reviewed and returned during the same business day but can take up to 2 days to process depending on staff availability and other scheduling considerations.</p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
S. What is the notification time period for demolitions or asbestos abatement projects?S. What is the notification time period for demolitions or asbestos abatement projects?<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>There is a 10-day notification period for demolitions and asbestos abatement projects. </p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
T. Where do I send my survey and application?T. Where do I send my survey and application?<font size="3" face="Times New Roman" color="#000000">​ </font><p>Completed surveys and applications (and fees when applicable) may be submitted to Sac Metro Air Quality via the online services portal at</p><p>​Fax: 279-207-1144<br></p><p>US Mail or Hand Delivery:</p><p>777 12th Street, 3rd Floor<br></p><p>Sacramento, CA  95814</p><font size="3" face="Times New Roman" color="#000000"> </font>
U. What asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are regulated under the Asbestos Rule 902? U. What asbestos-containing materials (ACMs) are regulated under the Asbestos Rule 902? <font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>ACM regulated under the Rule 902 is referred to as "Regulated Asbestos-Containing Material" (RACM). RACM is defined in Rule 902 and includes: (1) Friable asbestos-containing material; (2) Category I non-friable ACM that has become friable; (3) Category I non-friable ACM that has been or will be sanded, ground, cut, or abraded; or (4) Category II non-friable ACM that has already been or is likely to become crumbled, pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.</p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
V. What will happen if I violate the Asbestos Rule 902?V. What will happen if I violate the Asbestos Rule 902?<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>Sanctions vary. In some cases, Notices to Comply (NTC) -- written warnings -- or Notices of Violation (NOVs) are issued to owners or operators who violate notification requirements. Violators of the work practice or disposal standards may be subject to NOVs and/or civil penalties up to $75,000 per day per violation, depending upon the seriousness of the violation. Federal EPA may also bring criminal charges against violators. Some owners and operators who have knowingly violated the Federal EPA Asbestos Rule have been sentenced to prison terms. </p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>For more information on penalties and enforcement, see the EPA Public Information Document entitled "Asbestos NESHAP Enforcement." </p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
W. What is the maximum penalty which can be assessed for Asbestos Rule 902 violations?W. What is the maximum penalty which can be assessed for Asbestos Rule 902 violations?<font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font><p>$75,000 per day, per violation, with no absolute maximum, per the California Health & Safety Code. </p><font color="#000000" face="Times New Roman" size="3"> </font>
X. Does SMAQMD Rule 902, Asbestos, Require Point Counting?X. Does SMAQMD Rule 902, Asbestos, Require Point Counting?<p>​Sac Metro Air District Rule 902, Section 501.2, mandates that asbestos surveys reporting asbestos content <10% be verified using the point counting method (40 CFR Part 763, Polarized Light Microscopy). While point counting increases initial survey costs, it provides a more accurate analysis and may ultimately reduce overall project expenses. If point counting determines that the material contains <1% asbestos, it is not regulated by the Sac Metro Air District, potentially lowering notification, abatement, and disposal fees. However, other agencies may still regulate the project.<br>CACs, SSTs, and EPA Building Inspectors must inform clients of this requirement so they can assess whether the additional analysis cost is appropriate for their project. Clients may choose to decline point counting, in which case the material will be assumed to be Asbestos Containing Material (ACM), subject to notification, abatement, and disposal fees. This Consultant/Client discussion must be documented in the asbestos survey report. Failure to comply with the point count requirement could result in report rejection and a violation of Rule 902, Asbestos.</p>

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