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Board of Directors - Meetings

Click Here to view video recordings of the Board of Directors meetings



 Board of Directors 

The Sac Metro Air District Governing Board is composed of 14 members and typically meets on the fourth Thursday of the month at 9:00 a.m. in the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors Chambers at 700 H Street, Sacramento, CA. Closed sessions, when necessary, are typically held immediately following the regular meeting.


​Contact the Clerk of the Board at 279-207-1122

​Agenda Info​​rmati​on

For information regarding meeting agendas or to submit written comments regarding an item on the agenda,  please contact the Clerk of the Board of Directors. Written comments should be submitted at least one day prior to the meeting. ​

​​​Testimony at B​​oard Meetings

The Board of Directors welcomes and encourages participation in board meetings. When it appears there are several members of the public wishing to address the Board on a specific item, the Chair of the Board will announce at the outset of the meeting the maximum amount of time that will be allowed for presentation of testimony.

Matters within the jurisdiction of the Board and not on the posted agenda may be addressed by the general public immediately prior to the close of the meeting. The Board limits testimony on matters not on the agenda to five minutes per person and 15 minutes per subject.

​​​​​Assisted List​​ening

Assistive listening devices are available for use by the public. Please contact the Clerk of the Board for additional information.

Meeting Broad​cast

Meetings are videotaped in their entirety and will be cablecast without interruption on Metrocable 14, the Government Affairs Channel on the Comcast, Surewest & Strategic Technologies Cable Systems.

Meetings are rebroadcast by webcast at  at 9:00 a.m. on the Sunday following the meeting. Changes to the rebroadcast schedule will be noted on the agenda for each meeting.





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