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Charlene McGhee Memorial Lawn and Garden Program

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​*Para traducción al español, consulte la tabla de recursos en la parte final de la página web.

Status: Open​

Ann​o​unce​mentsPlease review our Participating Merchant L​ist for the latest merchant information​.​


The Commercial Lawn and Garden Program provides funding opportunities for owners of commercial lawn and garden (L&G) equipment to replace their old combustion-powered equipment with zero-emission battery-electric equipment. Qualified businesses, public agencies, and nonprofits can purchase discounted zero-emission mowers, blowers, and other landscape equipment from eligible dealers and manufacturers through a voucher proc​ess. For this funding cycle, the Sac Metro Air District has allocated $1.2 million toward zero-emission commercial L&G projects. 

Funding Table​

The maximum funding amounts per piece of equipment vary by equipment type and are shown in the table below. The amounts include equipment costs associated with extra batteries and charging cables. Approved applicants must purchase the new equipment from a participatin​g merchant. 

Equipment TypeMaximum Funding Amount
​Chainsaws/ Trimmers/ Edgers/ Brushcutters​$700
​Leaf Blowers/ Vacuums​$1,400
​Walk Behind Lawn Mowers​$1,500
​Ride-on or Stand/Sit Mowers​$15,000
*A maximum of $50,000 is available per applicant per funding cycle

*Equipment for residential use is not available through this program


All participants must meet the following eligibility criteria. Please do not purchase or pay for the new equipment before applying for and receiving a voucher.

  • Reside and operate within Sacramento County.

  • Be a landscaping business, a public agency, or a nonprofit that conducts landscaping work on a commercial scale

  • Own, for at least two years, operational gas or diesel-powered L&G equipment to replace with cordless, zero-emission equipment (only like-for-like replacements are permitted)

  • Own and operate the new zero-emission equipment in California for a minimum of 36 months.

Program Steps

Step 1:Check Available Inventory

  • Reference our Participating Merchant List below for available equipment inventory.

  • Determine if you have existing combustion L&G equipment to trade in for new cordless zero-emission equipment.

  • The new equipment must serve the same function and perform the same work as the existing equipment.

Step 2: Apply Online

  • Please complete the electronic application below and attach all required documents (e.g., photos of existing equipment, business license, etc.).​

  • Please fill out and attach the Additional Equipment Form if applying for more than four (4) pieces of equipment.

  • WAIT for Air District approval (DO NOT purchase any equipment before receiving a voucher) 

Fo​rmulario de Solicitud (Español)

Step 3: Purchase New Equipment

  • Once the voucher has been issued, purchase the new equipment through a participating merchant.

  • Vouchers must be used before their expiration date. 

  • A point-of-sale discount will be applied to the purchase.

Step 4: Surrender Old Equipment

  • Deliver old equipment to a participating merchant or an approved recycling facility (refer to the Participating Merchant List for details)

  • Old equipment must be verified as operational, otherwise, it will be rejected​.

  • New equipment will be handed over once the old equipment is surrendered. 

Program Resources/ Tabla de Recursos​


Do you sell electric landscaping equipment? The Sac Metro Air District hosted a virtual meeting on March 5, 2024 for interested merchants and dealers to learn more about program requirements and how to become a participating merchant. A recording of the presentation is available by clicking here.

If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with our staff at

Status: Open




Barragan Quality Engineerobarragan@airquality.orgSac Metro Air District

 Documents / Forms



1 - CLG Reimbursement Checklist - CLG Reimbursement Checklist.pdf1 - CLG Reimbursement Checklist
2 - CLG Voucher Tracking Form - CLG Voucher Tracking Form.pdf2 - CLG Voucher Tracking Form
3 - CLG Equipment Destruction Form - CLG Equipment Destruction Form.pdf3 - CLG Equipment Destruction Form
Merchant Agreement Agreement.pdfMerchant Agreement
Merchant Manual Manual.pdfMerchant Manual
Merchant Questionnaire Questionnaire.pdfMerchant Questionnaire
Merchant Reimbursement Packet Reimbursement Packet.pdfMerchant Reimbursement Packet

 Additional Links





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