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CalEEMod public trainings: May 2022

​Join us for public trainings for the new CalEEMod!

The California Air Pollution Control Officers Association invites you to attend upcoming public training sessions on 
version 2022.1 of the California Emissions Estimator Model (CalEEMod).

caleemodlogo.pngCalEEMod quantifies ozone precursors, criteria pollutants, and greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from the construction and operation of new land use development projects in California. A desktop version has been available since 2013. 

Version 2022.1 is the latest update to CalEEMod and brings a new web-based platform, with many new features and components, such as a geospatial interface, location-specific vehicle miles traveled analysis, climate risks analysis, and health and equity. These significant updates enable CalEEMod to deliver enhanced analysis of GHG and criteria pollutant emissions and support local governments to better address climate change, public health, and equity.​​
CalEEMod version 2022.1 is accessible online at Public access to the tool will be available in May 2022. 

Due to the comprehensive updates for version 2022.1, we strongly encourage attending a training session, even for experienced users highly familiar with previous versions. We also encourage new users to attend a training session to learn how CalEEMod's enhanced capabilities can support their needs and goals.   

General Training Sessions

Register for one of the following two general training sessions. At these trainings, the CalEEMod development team will demonstrate use of the tool and highlight new features. The same content will be presented at each meeting.

  • Tuesday, May 10, 12-1:30pm. Click here to register!  
  • Friday, May 13, 10-11:30am. Click here to register!  

Health and Equity Focused Training Session

During our health and equity focused training session, the CalEEMod development team will demonstrate the new health and equity component of the tool. This demonstration will be more detailed than the general training sessions and will discuss how community organizations and others can use CalEEMod version 2022.1 to more deeply consider health and equity as part of the project planning process, advocate for strategies to create healthier, more equitable communities, and apply for grants and other funding opportunities.

  • Monday, May 16, 12-1.30pm. Click here to register!   

Training Format

The trainings will be conducted using Zoom and can be accessed through the internet or by using your phone. For instructions on how to use Zoom, click here

Can't make the trainings? Don't worry! Recorded tutorials will be available on the model homepage at

Questions? Please email caleemod [at] or Paul Philley at pphilley [at]

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