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Title V

​What is the Title V Program?

In 1990 the Federal Clean Air Act was amended to include a new section - Title V.  Title V requires the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish a national, federally enforceable operating permit program. Accordingly, EPA promulgated Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1, Part 70 (link) which requires each state or local permitting authority to develop and submit a federally enforceable facility operating permit program for EPA approval.

 The Sac Metro Air District adopted Rule 207 Title V -  Federal Operating Permit Program to meet the requirements of Part 70 and to interface the Title V permitting effort with the Sac Metro Air District existing and comprehensive permit program. 

Title V is intended to further facilitate and enhance air quality planning, emission controls, and compliance, and to improve existing emission inventories.

In addition to existing regulations, Title V provides for:

    • EPA veto authority over permit issuance
    • greater opportunity for federal and citizen enforcement
    • enhanced public participation during the permit issuance process
    • clearer determination of applicable requirements
    • improved enforceability of applicable requirements
    • enhanced public access to enforcement actions and emissions from Title V facilities


Who Needs a Title V Permit?

Sac Metro Air District Rule 207 defines what sources are required to have a Title V permit. In general, these sources include:

  • Major stationary sources such as:

    • Any source with a potential to emit 100 tons per year of any air pollutant

    • Any source with a potential to emit 10 tons per year, or more, of any hazardous air pollutant or 25 tons per year, or more, of any combination of hazardous air pollutants

    • Any source with a potential to emit up to or more than 25 tons per year of nitrogen oxides, 25 tons per year of volatile organic compounds, 100 tons per year of sulfur dioxide, 100 tons per year of carbon monoxide, or 100 tons per year of PM10

  • Affected sources under the acid rain provisions of Title IV of the Federal Clean Air Act.

  • Any source subject to Sac Metro Air District Rule 203, Prevention of Significant Deterioration 

  • Any solid waste incineration unit required to obtain a Title V permit pursuant to the Federal Clean Air Act.

  • Any other stationary source in a source category designated by rule by the US EPA.

  • Any stationary source that is subject to standards or other requirements for New Source Performance Standards or Hazardous Air Pollutants under the Federal Clean Air Act after July 21, 1992 by the US EPA, unless exempted at the time an applicable new standard or requirement is promulgated.

Please see Sac Metro Air District  Rule 207 Title V - Federal Operating Permit Program  for the complete statements of applicability and definitions.

​Title V Forms



Title V Permit Application Amendment V Permit Application AmendmentTitle V Forms
Title V Application Form V Application FormTitle V Forms
Title V Modification Application V Modification ApplicationTitle V Forms
Title V Renewal V RenewalTitle V Forms
Title V Certification Report V Certification Report.pdfTitle V Certification Report
Title V Deviation Report V Deviation Report.pdfTitle V Deviation Report

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