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Infrastructure Incentives

​Status: The application period is currently CLOSED for infrastructure projects.



The Sac Metro Air District can help fund alternative fueling and charging infrastructure via the Carl Moyer Program and Community Air Protection Incentive Program. Infrastructure incentives are for hydrogen fueling stations and electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE), also referred to as battery electric vehicle charging stations.  Applicants that are interested in applying for EVSE incentive funding are encouraged to prepare now.  A quick guide and series of steps to our EVSE program can be found here.

Funding is available under the 2024 Community Air Quality Grant Solicitation

    • Criteria listed below are used to assist in application selection when funds are available. 
    • Disadvantaged Communities are encouraged to apply with a priority emphasized in communities identified under our AB 617 Community Air Protection Program.
    • All charging and fueling station applications may be considered "Public Works Projects" under California Labor Code.  Applicants are responsible to report and comply with all applicable regulations. 
    • Public infrastructure is any infrastructure accessible by any vehicle 
    • Private infrastructure is any infrastructure restricted to specific vehicles

Step 1: Before Applying, contact your local utility company!

Your local Utility Company may have additional funding that can be stacked with our programs. All funding amounts cannot exceed the cost of the infrastructure. Other limitations may apply and will be evaluated during the application review process.  

Local Utilities: 

PGE -EV Fleet Ready          

SMUD - Going Green 

Step 2: Project Eligibility



2017 Moyer Guidelines 

Community Air Protection 

State Funding Cap 

Maximum Eligible Cost 

State Funding Cap  

Maximum Eligible Cost 

Any infrastructure project3 





Any infrastructure Project located at a sensitive receptor1 





Projects with Solar/Wind Power Systems2 





Public School Bus Battery Charging and Alternative Fueling  





Additional Incentive for Projects Also Serving a Port/Railyard/Freight Facility 





Additional Incentive for Projects with Public AccessNone +10% None +10% 

1 Sensitive receptors include schools, hospitals, daycare centers, and such other locations as the air districts or CARB may determine ((H&SC § 42705.5(a)(5)). 

2 Projects that include Solar/Wind Power systems must be capable of supplying at least 50% of the estimated electricity output of the EVSE. Applicants that include on-site renewable generation must provide a methodology for estimating the total energy provided for vehicle charging from the system to determine whether the generation meets the 50% requirement. Projects not connected to the electrical grid will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and may not be eligible for funding.  

3 Funding priority is given to projects operating and/or registered in a disadvantaged community as identified by CalEnviroScreen 4.0 and the designated Community Air Protection Air Monitoring Community.


All eligible costs are listed in the 2017 Carl Moyer Guideline and include:

1.  Cost of design and engineering  
     a.  (i.e., labor, site preparation, Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility, signage).
2.  Cost of equipment
     a.  (e.g., charging/fueling units, electrical parts, materials).
3.  Cost of installation directly related to the construction of the station.
4.  Meter/data loggers.
5.  On-site power generation system that fuels or powers covered sources
     a.  (i.e., solar and wind power generation equipment).
6.  Federal, Sales and other taxes
7.  Shipping and deli​v​ery costs 


Ineligible Costs:

1.  Upgrades to existing infrastructure that do not increase output capacity
2.  Fuel and energy costs.
3.  Non-essential equipment hardware.
4.  Operation cost
     a.  (e.g., operational fees, maintenance, repairs, improvements, spare parts).
5.  Extended warranty.
6.  Insurance.
7.  Data collection and reporting.
8.  Grantee administrative costs.
9.  Travel/lodging.

10. Employee training and salaries.
11. Legal fees.
12. Real estate property purchases/leases.
13. Performance bond costs.
14. Construction management.
15. Stormwater plan costs.
16. Security costs.
17. Testing and soil sampling
18. Hazardous materials, including permitting, handling, and disposal.  


Step 3: Submit your application!

Online applications will become available on June 24, 2024, and will need to be submitted electronically. Applicants are highly encouraged to start preparing now to ensure the best possible funding opportunities.  

Don't forget to review the application checklist with your application!


Other Resources:  

California Energy Commission:  

Sac to Zero: 

Status: Closed


Documents / Forms

Additional Links

Incentive Program Page
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