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Budget & Finance

Budget Cycle and Adoption


Pursuant to Section 40131 of the California Health and Safety Code​, two public hearings will be held each budget cycle to allow the public the opportunity to comment on the proposed budget prior to adoption by the Board of Directors. 

The Sac Metro Air District fiscal year (FY) begins
​July 1 and ends June 30. Public hearings for the budget are typically held during the monthly board meetings in April and May.​

Sources of Funding

The Sac Metro Air District receives program revenue from a variety of sources. Programs include stationary and area source regulation and permitting, mobile source pollution reduction incentives, public outreach and education, the Spare The Air program, emission inventory and air quality planning, air monitoring, rule development, and emission credit banking. These programs are detailed in the budget document. ​

  • ​Stationary and area source air pollution permitting fees
  • Motor vehicle registration fee surcharges
  • Local Measure A​ sales tax 
  • State toxics emissions fees
  • Variance petition fees
  • Asbestos removal plan fees ​
  • ​Environmental document preparation and processing fees ​
  • State and federal grant and subvention funds
  • Emissions credit loan fees
  • Mutual Settlement Program
  • Land Use Project Mitigation Fees
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