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Abrasive Blasting - Unconfined

​​​​​Abrasive blasting or sandblasting is defined as the cleaning or preparation of a surface by forcibly propelling a stream of abrasive material against a surface.  Unconfined abrasive blasting is generally performed outdoors. 

Particulate emissions from abrasive blasting operations can be a significant source of air pollution. To address this activity, the California Air Resources Board (ARB) adopted air pollution standards and requirements that apply to abrasive blasting operations and are enforced by local air districts. These standards are found in Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations, sections 92000 through 92520.  The general provisions in §92500 require abrasive blasting activities to be conducted within a permanent building. Only under special conditions may abrasive blasting be conducted outdoors (unconfined). 

Who Needs a Permit?

  • A permit is generally not required for unconfined abrasive blasting of architectural structures such as buildings or bridges unless a non-electric (i.e. internal combustion) compressor rated at greater than 50 hp is being utilized.
  • Non-electric compressors (i.e. combustion engines) will be permitted with the abrasive blasting unit.

Permit Fees     

 Abrasive Blasting Units Using a Compressor Powered by an Internal Combustion Engine

New Installations:

  • Use Schedule 7 (see Rule 301, Section 308.8). Fees are based on the rated horsepower of the engine. Use the Initial Permit Fee column for new installations or equipment not previously permitted.


  • For modifications of permitted equipment resulting in an increase in the engine's horsepower, the fee is assessed in accordance with fee schedule 7 (see Rule 301, Section 308.8), based on the incremental increase in horsepower resulting from such change.

  • For modifications resulting in no increase in the engine's rated horsepower, the fee shall be based on Rule 301, Section 306.2.

Abrasive Blasting Units Using a Compressor Powered by an Electric Motor

New Installations:

  • Use Schedule 1 (see Rule 301, Section 308.2). Fees are based on the rated horsepower of the electric motor. Use the Initial Permit Fee column for new installations or equipment not previously permitted.


  • For modifications of permitted equipment resulting in an increase in the horsepower of the compressor's electric motor, the fee is assessed in accordance with Rule 301, Section 308.2, based on the incremental increase in horsepower resulting from such change.

  • For modifications resulting in no increase in the horsepower of the compressor's electric motor, the fee shall be based on Rule 301, Section 306.2.

Permit Application Completeness Determination

An application will not be accepted for processing until it is deemed complete. The following will be required in order for the Sac Metro Air District to make a completeness determination.

  • Completed application Forms G100, G101, and UB100 with the original signature of the owner / proprietor or responsible officer of the company. For units using an air compressor powered by an internal combustion engine (a non-electric air compressor), also submit forms ICE100 and HRA100.

  • Applicable permit fees in accordance with Rule 301.

  • Any additional information that may be requested in order to perform a health risk assessment or to better understand the process or the applicability of regulations.

Documents / Forms

Related Rules

Rule Date Last Amended
Permitting Page
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