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About Us

The Sacramento Air Pollution Control District was formed by the Sacramento County Board of Supervisors in December of 1959. In July of 1996, the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District was created under Health and Safety Code Sections 40960 et. seq. to monitor, promote, and improve air quality in the County of Sacramento. It is one of 35 regional air quality districts in California.

Sac Metro Air District is designated by EPA as part of the Sacramento Federal Ozone Nonattainment Area (SFNA), which is comprised of all of Sacramento and Yolo Counties, the eastern portion of Solano County,  the southern portion of Sutter County, the western slopes of El Dorado and Placer Counties up to the Sierra crest, and includes four other local air districts.

Sac Metro Air District is responsible for monitoring air pollution within the Basin and for developing and administering programs to reduce air pollution levels below the health-based standards set by the state and federal governments.

​Strategic Direction


Clean air and a low-carbon future for all


Achieve state and federal clean air and climate goals


  • Integrity
  • Teamwork
  • Leadership
  • Innovation


  • Maximize program effectiveness while balancing environmental and economic considerations
  • Provide regional leadership in protecting public health and the environment
  • Integrate equity and environmental justice in decision-making for all air quality and climate change considerations
  • Develop and enhance diverse partnerships
  • Recruit, develop, and retain excellent diverse staff
  • Influence, develop and implement innovative programs, and promote resilience and sustainability throughout the region
  • Increase the public’s role in improving air quality and reducing carbon
  • Ensure fiscal responsibility and viability

​District Boards


Board of Directors

The Sac Metro Air District is governed by a 14 member Board of Directors who reviews and approves Sac Metro Air District rules and budgets.



Hearing Board

The Hearing Board is a five member quasi-judicial panel authorized to provide relief from Sac Metro Air District regulations under certain circumstances.

 News & Notices



Annual Accomplishments 2024​ Accomplishments 2024​{C30CAEB0-1BE4-4F3F-8D28-762D9CF1AB69}

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